Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Gotta Keep the Devil Way Down in the Hole

The beer drinking has been pretty light around here.  This is the round up: Monday I had a Smuttynose Pumpkin Ale at Soda with dinner (we tried to go to a new place out on Vanderbilt but turns out it's not too vegetarian friendly.  What else is new?)  Last night I had a 21st Amendment Back in Black on the couch.  Woo!  But here's what I want to talk about.  More like here's what I want to show you.

I'm marginally convinced that Bunk from the Wire and Garrett Oliver, Brooklyn Brewery Brewmaster are the same person.  Here's an exchange involving one of them:

Guy A: You know what they call a guy that pays that much attention to his clothes don't you?
Guy B: A grown-up.

Guy B is either Garrett Oliver or Bunk.  You decide!

I don't really know where I was going with this.  I just wanted to put a bunch of pictures of Garrett Oliver and Bunk next to each other to see if it would be as weird as I'd imagine.  It is!  See you tomorrow with an African beer post!

Total Beers: 733
Where I Should Be: 704.109

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